
I have just installed RM Auditor but no Report Builders or Reports are listed.

To run a Report, you must first create a new Report Builder and run it. When you create a new Report Builder, a number of Standard Report Builders are available. You can select one on which you can base your own Report Builder.

I started a number of Report Builders running but some are taking a long time to complete.

Only 5 Report Builders can run simultaneously by default, with any additional Report Builders waiting until a previously-started Report Builder is complete. For information about changing the default setting, visit the RM Support Web site.

I have deleted a workstation (or user) in the Management Console, Workstations option but it is still displayed in RM Auditor, despite running synchronisation.

RM Auditor does not reflect any deletions that have been made in the RM Management Console until 30 days after synchronisation has been run from the Administration page. This feature enables you to collect information on a workstation or user for up to 360 days after it has been deleted using the RM Management Console.

A Report that I have run does not display correctly in Internet Explorer.

If the quantity of information collected for your Report is very large, Internet Explorer cannot display the Report correctly. You need to edit the Report Builder Properties to reduce the size of the Report. You could reduce the length of the Report Period or reduce the number of users, computers, printers or programs (the Report Target) on which the Report Builder is collecting information.

My Computer Report does not give accurate information about user activity.

Information about user activity on a computer is not available for auditing until after the computer has been restarted. Information about a user will only become available for auditing after someone has logged back onto the workstation.

Tables in Reports are not printing correctly

You need to set up Internet Explorer to print table backgrounds. From the Tools menu, choose Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab. Under Printing, tick the Print background colors and images box.

A warning message about the status of the database is being displayed, what should I do?

If the status of the database is changed to anything other than Normal, a warning is given displaying the new Database Status Code. For a full list of the Database Status Codes and the action you should take if they are displayed, click here.